Opportunità per laureati
Posizioni aperte per 30 profili Java Backend developer
- Minimum 3- 5 Years’ Experience
- Bachelor's or Master’s degree or equivalent by experience
Must Have
- Strong knowledge of Core Java
- Strong knowledge of Spring, Spring Boot & Microservices (APIs),
- Good Knowledge in: JavaScript, HTML5, CSS.
- Expert in Development tools: VSC, IntelliJ
- Expert in Development Platforms: Microsoft Windows.
- Familiar with Databases: Oracle
- Competent in Others: Azure DevOps, GIT
- Strong knowledge of Design Patterns , Application Security and Performance concepts
Good to Have
- Familiar with the Agile way of working
- Strong ability to work in an autonomous way
- Knowledge in Cloud native technology
- English speaking
Inquadramento con contratto a tempo indeterminato 2° o 3° livello del commercio
RAL 35k/45k in funzione dell’esperienza
Sede di Lavoro: Smart Working
Gli interessati possono scrivere al Prof. Antonio Pescapè (pescape at unina.it)