The team formed by Marco Postiglione (XXXVI PhD ICTH cycle), Giancarlo Sperlì (RTD-B Researcher) and Vincenzo Moscato (Associate Professor), members of the PicusLab group of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies (DIETI), ranked first in the BioASQ 2022 challenge "DisTEMIST: Disease Text Mining Shared Task"
BioASQ organizes, on an annual basis, challenges on biomedical semantic indexing and question answering (QA). Challenges include tasks relevant to hierarchical text classification, machine learning, information retrieval, QA from structured text and data, multi-document summarization and many other areas.
In particular, the DisTEMIST challenge concerned the creation of a Natural Language Processing (NLP) system capable of indexing the content concerning diseases in biomedical texts in Spanish.
For further information:
BioASQ website:
DisTEMIST challenge site:
Challenge leaderboard: