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In the 2nd European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence ESSAI 2024 also a Federico II Course

The 2nd European Summer School on Artificial Intelligence is taking place in Athens from 15 to 26 July.
ESSAI is the main Artificial Intelligence school in Europe, prestigious and highly selective, and this year a course from Federico II was also selected, the "Formal Aspects of Strategic Reasoning and Game Playing" course held by our prof. Aniello Murano.

The news on the website "Il Mattino": 


Meaningful Human Control of Increasingly Autonomous Robots for Surgery

The contribution, "Meaningful Human Control of increasingly autonomous robots for surgery" by Fanny Ficuciello, Mohammad Hossein Hamedani and Guglielmo Tamburrini, in the volume "Research Handbook on Meaningful Human Control of Artificial Intelligence Systems", recently published, focuses on Meaningful Human Control (MHC) and the related ethical issues raised by increasing levels of autonomy of surgical robots.

Link to Resource: https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781802204131/book-part-9781802204131-20.xml?rskey=gJ1sXm&result=1&tab_body=abstract-copy1.

Competition notice for the awarding of prizes and recognitions "VALUTARE PREMIA" VI edition, year 2024

The Regional Council of Lombardy announces a public competition for the awarding of prizes and recognitions "VALUTARE PREMIA" - VI edition, year 2024.
The “VALUTARE PREMIA” prizes and recognitions are awarded to young people who have obtained a master's degree or PhD with a thesis aimed at the analysis and evaluation of public policies implemented on a regional basis.

Interested parties must submit the application for participation from 15 July 2024 until 12:00 on 27 September 2024.

Below is the competition notice: Bando_AllegatoDecreto.pdf

Erasmus+ project “ENACTEST” - European iNnovation AllianCe for TESting educaTion

he Erasmus+ project “ENACTEST” - European iNnovation AllianCe for TESting educaTion aims to propose innovative approaches and tools for teaching software testing that are in line with the real learning needs of students and the skills required by the industry.

Nine teams of researchers from five European countries (Italy, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, and Belgium) are developing and testing new solutions for teaching testing, which make use of innovative approaches to learning, such as gamification, teamwork, challenge-based and project-based, developed in collaboration with industry. Among the partners of the project is the "REverSE" (REsearch group in Software Engineering) research group of DIETI, coordinated by Professor Anna Rita Fasolino, who recently involved the Master's Computer Engineering students of the Software course in the project activities Architecture Design (https://www.napolitoday.it/formazione/universita/software-federico-ii-testing-enactest.html ).

More information about the project is available at https://enactest-project.eu/.

CyberChallenge Training Program

CyberChallenge is a training program, recognized by the Ministry of Education as a project for the enhancement of excellence, to identify, attract, recruit and place the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.

This year too our University is involved in the project, actively participating with the teaching staff in carrying out the selection and training process.
The program, completely free, involves young talents between 16 and 24 years old.
Registrations are open until February 8, 2024 on the website: https://cyberchallenge.it/.
For further information, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., program contact for our University.

Awards for Degree Theses on the Occasion of the Unina 2024 Celebrations

Ten Awards for the best Master's Degree theses on the history of the University (founder, development over the years, influences on society and importance on local culture).

The initiative is promoted by the Lions club "Campi Flegrei-Cuma", in collaboration with the Lions Foundation of District 108ya.
All the information and the announcement are available on the website https://www.fondazionelions108ya.org/blog/index.php?bando-s Selezione-premio-lions-licterae-generales-tesi-laurea-magistrale-storia-universita-napoli-federico-ii

Controlling Complex Networks with Complex Nodes"

Controlling complex networks with complex nodes is the title of the article published in the prestigious international journal Nature Reviews Physics, written by Mario di Bernardo of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies of the University of Naples Federico II and coordinator of the PhD in Modeling and Engineering Risk and Complexity from Southern High School with Raissa D'Souza of the University of California at Davis, and Yang-Lu Liu of Harvard.

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