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"Best Tutorial Paper Award"

Angela Sara Cacciapuoti and Marcello Caleffi received the prestigious international "Best Tutorial Paper Award" from the IEEE Communications Society.

The award-winning article, "When Entanglement Meets Classical Communications: Quantum Teleportation for the Quantum Internet" co-written with Rod Van Meter of Keio University and Professor Lajos Hanzo, University of Southampton, analyzes the technological challenges and obstacles to design and the development of a Quantum Internet.

The award ceremony will take place on May 17, 2022 during the IEEE International Conference on Communications, to be held in Seoul.

The Award link: https://www.comsoc.org/about/awards/paper-awards/ieee-communications-society-best-tutorial-paper-award

The notice on UNINA Website: http://www.unina.it/-/29581671-premio-best-tutorial-paper-award-vincitori-due-docenti-federiciani 

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