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The professor Bruno Siciliano among the winners of the Engelberger Robotics Awards 2022

The Association for Advancing Automation (A3) has announced the six winners of the Engelberger Robotics Awards 2022, the world's most prestigious honor in the field of robotics.

The professor Bruno Siciliano will receive the Education Award at the 'Automatica' event to be held in Munich on June 20.


The notice on the website UNINA: http://www.unina.it/-/29488689-bruno-siciliano-vince-il-prestigioso-engelberger-award, on the UNINA Research https://www.ricerca.unina.it/news/engelberger-award-a-bruno-siciliano/ and on the website of ANSA https://www.ansa.it/canale_scienza_tecnica/notizie/tecnologie/2022/04/29/robotica-allitaliano-bruno-siciliano-uno-dei-premi-piu-prestigiosi-_79e92121-7534-4d60-a773-1578a494fe6d.html

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